


‘Beyond emplotment: narrative between meta-history and material’, Beyond Stories: Art Writing and Narrative,

113th College Art Association (CAA) Annual Conference, New York, US, 12–15 Feb.


‘Tracing layers and iterations in Moyra Davey’s writing and photographs’, Sedimentation: Towards and Archaeology of Word and Image, 11th International IAWIS/AIERTI conference, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, BR, 28 Aug–1 Sep.


‘Digitale Schriftbildlichkeit: Schrift(zeichenbenutzung), Schreiben, Lesen, Digitale Schriftlichkeit—Programmieren, Prozessieren und Codieren von Schrift workshop, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, DE, 9 & 16 Dec.

‘Art history / theory / fiction: reading art through Carol Mavor and Teju Cole’, The Art of Writing between Autobiography and Fiction: Pieces of Prose and Verse by Art Historians, Literary Scholars, and Historians, University of Turin, IT, 17–18 Oct.

‘Writing, scholarship, art: reading art history in Teju Cole and Carol Mavor’, ColloKWIum research colloquium, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, DE, 29 Jun.


‘Von den Verflechtungen der künstlerischen Forschung mit dem Schreiben als Praxis’, How To Arts Education Research? Wissenspraxen zwischen Kunst und Bildung conference, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, DE, 5–6 Nov.

‘Reading between the lines: W.G. Sebald’s words and pictures as propositions for art history as a literary practice’, Perlego: Critical Perspectives on Image and Text conference, University of Oxford (online), GB, 19–22 Oct.


‘W.G. Sebald’s words and pictures: propositions for art history as a literary practice’, Memory, Word and Image: W.G. Sebald's Artistic Legacies, University of Amsterdam, NL, 12–14 Dec.

‘Writing (art history) as “material” practice’, 4th Swiss Congress for Art History, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Mendrisio, CH, 6–8 Jun.

‘Between sensuous and making-sense-of’, ‘Apparatus, Object, Material’ Open Arts Journal research seminar, The Open University, London, GB, 10 May.

‘Writing art: challenges to a literary practice’, 45th Association for Art History (AAH) Annual Conference, University of Brighton, GB, 4–6 Apr.


‘The sense of the line between drawing and writing’, Drawing Matters conference, York St. John University, GB, 14 Jul.

‘Writing about pictures about pictures with writing about writing with pictures’, Images and Texts Reproduced, 11th International IAWIS/AIERTI conference, Université de Lausanne, CH, 10–14 Jul.

‘Graphic reading—graphic writing’, Graphic Reading conference, University of Birmingham, GB, 19 May.


‘Image and text: art-history writing as literary practice’, 5th Annual International Conference in Paragone Studies, Manchester, GB, 22–24 Sep.

‘Practising art (history): notes on practice-led research in art history’, 42nd Annual Association of Art Historians (AAH) Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, GB, 7–9 Apr.


‘Paperchase’, Material Culture in Action: Practices of Making, Collecting and Re-enacting Art and Design conference, Glasgow School of Art, GB, 7–8 Sep.

‘Always already fragmentary’, Theme and Variation conference, University of Łódź, PL, 12–13 Jun.

‘Writing on drawing | drawing on writing’, Images of Identity conference, University of Zürich, CH, 30–31 Jan.


‘Image and word interpenetrations in Raymond Pettibon’, Word & Image Crossovers conference and 5th English Literary Meeting, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, PL, 29–30 Sep.

‘Wave, fold, hinge’, Riddles of Form: Exploration and Discovery in Word and Image, 10th International IAWIS/AIERTI conference and 21st Scottish Word and Image Group conference, University of Dundee, GB, 11–15 Aug.


‘Between the visible and the legible: words and images caught in translation’, Intersemiotic Translation conference, University of Łódź, PL, 25–27 Sep.

‘The graphics of ekphrastic writing: Raymond Pettibon’s drawing-writing’, Ekphrasis: From Paragone to Encounter conference, University of Hull, GB, 3–5 Jul.

‘Transposition im/possible’, Writing into Art conference, University of Strathclyde and Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow, GB, 18–19 Jun.

Invited talks


The graphics of ekphrastic writing’, Ekphrastic Encounter book launch, University of Hull, GB, 24 Jan.


‘“You had to pretend to be a moron”: Raymond Pettibon as reader and punk’, Graphic Production: Art Zines in Context, Studientag zu Künstlerpublikationen, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, DE, 12 Jul.